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Photos are copyright Laurel Archer unless otherwise noted.
Please contact me for any use of the photos.

Tatputin.jpg (82kb)
Tat put in – Dalton Post

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Lyse and John at Village Creek Camp

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The Tat bunch – I’m stuck with them for 12 days?

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The dreaded canyon – in the beginning….

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In the canyon looking upstream

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My trusty paddling partner looking confident

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Raft and scenic canyon walls

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Things start to heat up

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And get a little more interesting,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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We have to stop and bail even,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Before the next big drop…
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And the next…
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Too Fun!
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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But after 6 km things settle down,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And we enjoy the sun at Silver Creek Camp,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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The next day is Stillwater Canyon
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And some nice flat water with views,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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The next day starts pretty flat

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But Monkey Wrench Rapid gets our attention!
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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When it’s tame, I practice my rafting skills, thanks to coach John ,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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The river just keeps getting bigger,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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With funky water,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And massive hydraulics in places,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And lots of waves around, even on the “flats”
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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The weather deteriorated as we neared the Alsek confluence

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But also the beautiful glaciers showed up,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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It is fall in August, no doubt,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Our first day off was just upstream of the Alsek confluence

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We did a hike up Milk Creek

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The next day it was clear in the morning

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So we set off to Walker Glacier,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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A beautiful morning on the huge Alsek

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Paddling by glaciers

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Bad weather hit us at Walker,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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A cold place to camp,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Are we having fun yet!
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Walker Glacier
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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View from the foot of Walker
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Walker in the sun,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Dipper Falls
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Paddling by Novatak Glacier,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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And on to Alsek Lake
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Home to current and ice….
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Keep your eye on the bergs,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Icebound Camp
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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What a day, what an end ,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Brad with wood for the campfire, Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Raft in silhouette

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Scouting for a channel through the ice

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Success finally!

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But we have to portage to around The Knob

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PakCanoe and pack ice

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The raft is a “berging” event,
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Booter anyone?
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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Lunch after the ice portage

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Mt. Fairweather across Alsek Lake

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Packing up the PakCanoe
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004

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To go via raft for the short float to Dry Bay, theoretically!
Lyse Fortin/John Noble 2004